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UCLA Bruins, don’t let cybercrime affect your studies or social lives! UCLA IT Security offers simple resources, tips, and solutions to keep you safe both at school and home. 

Learn how to spot a phishing email, take control of your social networking privacy, and more by consulting the resources below:

Ransomware a form of software specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. This malicious software then encrypts users’ files or locks their operating systems, rendering them unusable until a ransom is paid. Cyber criminals then demand large sums of money in exchange for decryption and restored access.
Have you ever wondered who, besides your friends and family, might be seeing that strange selfie you posted on Facebook? Or who knows about your upcoming vacation to London? As much as social media sites try to keep your online information secure, there are no guarantees that your posts are completely private...
With the number of social media apps and users increasing rapidly, we want to share some tips to help you manage your online reputation. Please keep this advice in mind when sharing online...
As hackers become more sophisticated, passwords become less effective. Many organizations—including UCLA—now offer multi-factor authentication (MFA), which relies on additional credentials besides your password. But what do you do if a site does not offer MFA, and a password is the only safeguard between your personal information and the criminal underworld?...
Social Media Tips
  • Don’t input, store, or post personal or sensitive information on social media platforms.
  • Exercise good judgement!  Once you post, that information has been seen by others and in some cases cannot be retracted.  Filter what is posted about you and by whom by requiring permission before posts become visible. 
  • Be cautious with information sharing.  Maintain your personal privacy settings on social media systems and do not allow any personally identifiable information to become visible to others.
  • Change passwords regula