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Training Courses

UC Cyber Security Awareness Training

The eCourse on information security awareness training covers basic information regarding security, email, passwords, and social engineering, in addition to introducing contemporary threats and teaching good behaviors that protect information. It is highly recommended for anyone in today's electronic world.

It was created by the UC IT Policy & Security (UCITPS), an organization consisting of the Information Security and Policy Officers of the University of California's 10 campuses and five medical centers.


Please visit the UC Learning Center and enter in your UCLA Logon credentials. On the left-hand side of the page under “Quick Links” click on Training Analysis. Here, you will be able to identify the completion due date for the “UC Cyber Security Awareness Training – Refresher.” Click the “Start” button to begin. If a warning indicates that pop-ups are being blocked, temporarily unblock pop-ups to allow the content from the UC LMS. Then refresh the page and the eCourse should appear.

Multi-Factor Authentication At UCLA

Multi-factor authentication will provide an added level of security to websites and applications accessed by your UCLA Logon, including MyUCLA. This is achieved through the use of an application called Duo. Once you've enrolled in MFA at UCLA, all login attempts to access resources protected by your UCLA Logon will require using an additional authentication factor through Duo. For more information on enrolling and using MFA, visit the UC Learning Center MFA training course.

IS-3 Training and Awareness - October 2022

IS-3 is the UC systemwide information security policy. The slide deck and video are the initial training and awareness materials for those with the Unit Head, Information Proprietor and Service Provider roles. 


Download a copy of the IS-3 Unit Head Presentation