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Contact Us

IT Security promotes data security, security policy compliance, and safe computing practices across campus business units and academic departments.

Report A Security Incident

If you wish to report an information security incident, please contact sends email). (PGP Key)

If you know or suspect that the compromised system contains sensitive data, please take these steps:

  • Do not attempt to investigate or remediate the compromise on your own
  • Instruct any users to stop work on the system immediately
  • Do not power down the machine
  • Remove the system from the network by unplugging the network cable or disconnecting from the wireless network
  • Report the incident using the instructions above

In the case of a serious incident, please be aware that continued interaction with a compromised machine can severely affect later forensic analysis

IT Security Teams

Find out more about the IT Security teams.


Report Electronic Abuse

Notify UCLA Electronic Abuse Desk(link sends email) about spam or other electronic abuse involving UCLA systems (particularly email addresses ending in If you are reporting spam, please ensure that you forward complete mail headers.


IT Support Community Resources

Find IT-related resources around campus opens a new window such as computer labs and support desks.

UCLA Health Security Information

At UCLA, information security responsibilities are divided between the campus (non-medical) and the entire UCLA medical system. Contact UCLA Health Information Security & Privacy opens a new window or see the UCLA Health System Office of Compliance Services opens a new window for more information.