Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
Phish Bowl
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlink. From: Microsoft Web-Team [mailto:Outlook@@ @]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 4:16 AM
Subject: settings changed
Importance: High
Outlook Office365 Email
We detected a recent sign-in Windows device.
You are getting this email to make sure it was you.
To help keep you safe, we require an extra security challenge
Click Here
This action will take a brief period before this request takes effect
This is a mandatory communication about the service. To set communication preferences for other cases.
© 2018 Outlook-Corporation All Rights Reserved
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Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
From: [username]
Subject: HR Team
You have a message from the HR Department
Click here to view your message
The Human Resources Talent Acquisition Team
This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply.
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks. From: IT Help Desk <helpdesk@[campus unit]>
Subject: [username]@[campus unit] password expiration
[campus unit]
Hello [username]
Password for [username]@[campus unit] expires today Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 2:34 PM
Keep Same Password
[campus unit] (c) 2021
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks. TEXT OF PHISHING EMAIL
From: [username]
Good Day,
I am a staff hear at the institution, a professor of Medicine shared a link for students who might be interested in PAID UNICEF PART-TIME POSITION job to make up to $400 (USD) weekly.
Follow the link below for more info regarding the position –
Dr. Daniel Spencer
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2020 5:41 AM
Subject: Staff & Employee Benefit
All staff & employee are expected to verify their email account for new payroll directory and adjustment for the month of March benefit payment. Please kindly Click MARCH-BENEFIT and complete the required directive to avoid omission of your benefit payment for March 2020
Thank you,
Help Desk.
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks. From: IRS <irs_services@[campus unit]>
Subject: Recalculation of your Tax Refund Payment
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Dear Applicant,
After the last calculations of your annual tax refund, we have determined that you are eligible to receive an extra tax refund of 1400.00 USD
Please submit the tax refund request and click here by having your tax refund sent to your account in due time.
Please do not reply as the email address is not monitored for received mail.
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
To: <redacted>
Subject: we need you only if you are interested
On: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 6:24 AM
Dear MysteryShopper,
We have a MysteryShopper position in your area and the wage is 250 to
300 dollars per assignment,we would like you to participate,therefore
we are accepting applications for this job.It's fun and rewarding.After
you sign up you will have access to training materials.Kindly,send the
requested information below to be enlisted.
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
From: <redacted>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 8:54 AM
To: <redacted>
This notice is to inform all employee of the current general upgrade of our employee service.This upgrade would help the organization to offer all eligible employee their benefit plan and salary increment that contribute to their overall wellness. These upgrade plans will provide you peace of mind today and years to come. All staff are hereby directed to re-validate their details in order to effect the new salary payment plan, increase in salary and entering of all eligible benefit and promotion. Kindly click on the link NEW PAYROLL SERVICE to re-validate your information and also apply for salary increment, promotion and enrollment of entitled benefits.
Below is a sample phishing email that was recently sent out. If you receive this, please do not respond to it and do not click on any hyperlinks.
Subject: Question – application for a Professor position
From: Martin Kroll <
To: <redacted>
Date: Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 6:10 PM
I am interested to apply to your University for a Professor position.
May I ask you to provide me with an email address for your human
resources officer as well as the Dean of faculty/academic director who
are in charge of the faculty recruitment process? Thank you very much
for your support indeed.
Best regards
Dr. Martin Kroll