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‘Are you busy?’, “Hi,” or “Urgent”. E-mail Scam

We have reports from faculty and staff who have been recipients of a new twist on an old e-mail scam. These phishing scams often come from a non-UCLA email address with poor spelling/grammar.

Please see examples below: 



  1. Verify the senders address / do not respond to the scammer. In every case, the scammer is using a e-mail account with a look-a-like display name for someone on campus. Verify the senders e-mail address.
  2. Why are they asking me to do this? Why didn’t they simply ask their administrative assistant?
  3. Regularly visit The Phish Bowl. You may find that someone else may have received this very same ‘important’ request.
  4. Ask for a second opinion, report the Phishing Scam. The message will be reviewed, and someone will follow-up with you if any additional action is needed. Where appropriate, the scammer e-mail address will also be blocked on the campus e-mail servers.