Notify UCLA of spam or other electronic abuse involving UCLA systems (particularly of UCLA email addresses ending in @ucla.edu) or submit a copyright-infringement claim to UCLA.
- UCLA Designated Agent for Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Submit a claim to UCLA of copyright infringement under Title II of the DMCA
- UCLA Electronic Abuse Desk: Notify UCLA of spam or other electronic abuse involving UCLA systems (particularly of UCLA email addresses ending in @ucla.edu). If you are reporting spam, please ensure that you forward complete mail headers.
- UCLA Network Operations Center: Network Solutions for administrative, technical and zone contacts listed with ucla.edu
- UCLA Police Department: To file a report about a computer-related crime involving UCLA systems, please call the UCLA Police at (310) 825-1491. You may also call the Detectives at (310) 825-9371 for other urgent matters. Email to info@ucpd.ucla.edu can be used for questions or guidance, for example when it is not clear that a crime has been committed.
- UCLA Postmaster: Report campuswide email problems.
- UCLA Security Notification: Report computer security incidents within ucla.edu.
- UCLA Webmaster: Submit questions and report problems about the UCLA Homepage